2019年7月3日 星期三


台灣翠青 詞:鄭兒玉/曲:蕭泰然

太平洋西南海邊, Thài-pêng-iûⁿ se-lâm hái-piⁿ, By Pacific’s western shore,

美麗島台灣翠青。 Bí-lē-tó Tâi-ôan chhùi-chhiⁿ. Beauteous isle, our green Taiwan.

早前受外邦統治, Chá-chêng hō͘ gōa-pang thóng-tī, Once suffered under alien rule,

建國今在出頭天。 Kián-kok taⁿ teh chhut-thâu-thiⁿ. Free at last to be its own.

共和國憲法的基礎, Kiōng-hô-kok hiàn-hoat ê ki-chhóu, Here’s the basis of our nation:

四族群平等相協助。 Sù-chokk-kûn pêng-téng saⁿ hia̍p-chō͘. Four diverse groups in unity,

人類文化世界和平, Jîn-lūi bûn-hòa sè-kài hô-pêng, Come to offer all their varied skills,

國民向前貢獻才能。 Kok-bîn hiòng-chêng kòng-hiàn châi-lêng.
For the good of all and a world at peace.